
Shopping for souvenirs is a major part of any family vacation. Depending on your vacation destination, you may have tons of shopping options. Or you may have only a few. When you decide to take a family vacation in Orlando and go to Disney World, you may have too many options to count. I mean, […]

Disney, Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations

August 24, 2023

Best Gift Shops at Disney World for Purchasing Souvenirs with Your Family

Best Gift Shops at Disney World for Purchasing Souvenirs with Your Family - World of Disney Store at Disney Springs

Walt Disney World is a magical place your family will love. There are four theme parks to enjoy. Those theme parks are filled with rides, entertainment, and food. While you may want to go on every single ride, and watch every show and parade, you aren’t going to want to dine at every restaurant at […]

Disney, Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations

August 22, 2023

Visit the Yummy Casey’s Corner at Disney’s Magic Kingdom with Your Family

Visit the Yummy Casey’s Corner at Disney’s Magic Kingdom with Your Family - Hot Dogs

New York City is one of the few cities in the United States where people never seem to sleep. There are always people roaming around Times Square. Bagels and pizza are practically sold 24/7. And your family will never be bored when you choose to vacation there. Today, I am sharing the best things to […]

Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations, North America, United States

August 17, 2023

Best Things to Do in New York City with Family on Vacation

Best Things to Do in New York City with Family on Vacation - Times Square

Have you always wanted to explore different countries? Do you dislike the thought of changing hotel rooms every night or two and dealing with transportation between numerous cities though? Well, when it comes to taking a vacation in Norway, the easiest way to see the entire country is via a cruise! Your family will love […]

Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations, Norway, Trip Itineraries

August 16, 2023

Experience an Amazing Vacation in Norway via a Cruise with Family in 14 Days

Experience an Amazing Vacation in Norway via a Cruise with Family in 14 Days - Northern Lights Cathedral in Alta, Norway

I don’t know about you, but with each passing birthday, I prefer experiences over things. I don’t want another flowering plant, blender, or home decor. Give me a vacation with my family and I will be as happy as can be! If you want to have the same experience for your next birthday, I recommend […]

Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations

August 15, 2023

Visit an Amazing Birthday Vacation Destination with Your Family

Visit an Amazing Birthday Vacation Destination with Your Family - Blue Lagoon in Iceland

Are you looking for a way to spend quality time with your kids? Do you want to avoid a vacation where your kids spend the entire time on their phones and social media? I can easily plan a personalized family vacation your kids will love! Imagine making memories with your kids, as you explore Savannah, […]

Beach Vacations, Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations, United States

August 10, 2023

Plan an Amazing Family Vacation with These Best Things to Do in Savannah

Plan an Amazing Family Vacation with These Best Things to Do in Savannah - River Street

Are you considering a family vacation in Orlando? But are you struggling with the fact you may spend every single second at the theme parks? Well, what if I told you there are so many incredible things to do in Orlando that don’t involve theme parks? Today, I am sharing the best things to do […]

Disney, Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations, United States

August 8, 2023

Best Things to Do in Orlando for an Epic Family Vacation

Best Things to Do in Orlando for an Epic Family Vacation - Disney Springs with Hot Air Balloon at Sunset

Rome is a fascinating city. It is full of history, art, and culture. Oh, and don’t forget the food! You may find yourself eating more gelato than you thought possible during an amazing family vacation in Rome. A trip here will also allow your family to make memories, as you are exploring and learning new […]

Europe, Family Vacations, Italy, Multigenerational Vacations, Trip Itineraries

August 7, 2023

Experience 6 Fabulous Days in Rome During a Family Vacation

Experience 6 Fabulous Days in Rome During a Family Vacation - Colosseum in Rome Italy

Island vacations can be the perfect option for summer getaways, winter escapes, or celebrations. The island vacation destination you choose will depend on the time of year you are taking your family trip. After all, you may not want to visit a Caribbean Island in the middle of hurricane season.  And traveling to French Polynesia […]

Beach Vacations, Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations

August 3, 2023

Amazing Island Vacations for Your Epic Family Trip

Amazing Island Vacations for Your Epic Family Trip - Vancouver Canada

Escaping on a vacation in Switzerland will allow your family to make such precious memories together. This time away from home will have you all out exploring nature. Eating delicious local cuisine. And experiencing the culture this country is known for. Add in thrilling family adventures and you may find yourself wishing you had taken […]

Europe, Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations, Trip Itineraries

August 2, 2023

Epic Vacation in Switzerland with Your Family in 8 Days

Epic Vacation in Switzerland with Your Family in 8 Days - Landscape in Switzerland


At Elite Travel Journeys, we custom craft unique vacation itineraries for stressed-out families, couples and individuals who want to reconnect with what is most important. We work directly with our clients to remove the stress and overwhelm that planning a family getaway can create.

No matter if you are looking for just a short weekend escape, or a year-long trip of a lifetime let me take something off your overflowing list of things to do. 


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