
As a female, what is the first thought that comes to your mind when I mention traveling alone? Do you automatically go into panic mode and think you couldn’t possibly do that? Or do you begin to think of all the possibilities when it comes to seeing, and exploring, new destinations? Today, I am sharing […]

solo female traveler, solo traveler, Travel Tips

July 9, 2024

Reasons Solo Female Travelers Should Embrace Vacations

Reasons Solo Female Travelers Should Embrace Vacations - Solo Female Traveler Looking at a Map

Ensuring Everyone’s Interests Are Met on Family Vacations   Family vacations create lasting memories and bond, yet meeting all interests can be challenging. However, with careful planning, it’s possible to cater to everyone’s preferences, ensuring a fulfilling journey.   Gather Input: The first step in planning a family vacation that satisfies everyone’s interests is to […]

Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations, Travel Tips

May 6, 2024

Ensuring Everyone’s Interests Are Met on Family Vacations

   Engage in Planning Together   Traveling as a family can be one of the most rewarding experiences, creating memories that last a lifetime. When it involves older teenagers and twentysomethings, the dynamics change significantly compared to traveling with younger children. One of the best ways to ensure that everyone has a great time is […]

Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations, Travel Tips, Uncategorized

May 2, 2024

15 travel tips for families traveling with older teenagers and twentysomethings

Do you always dread the night before you leave for a family vacation? I mean, there are so many things to do. And it is simple to forget to do some of the most important things! I used to dread these nights for the longest time. Then I created a checklist of the things I […]

Family Vacations, Travel Tips

August 29, 2023

Things to Do the Night Before Your Amazing Family Vacation

Things to Do the Night Before an Amazing Family Vacation - Luggage

Has visiting the Hawaiian Islands been on your travel bucket list? If it has, there is no better time than now to take a spectacular Hawaiian vacation with your family. Imagine spending twelve days exploring three of the six Hawaiian Islands. During this time, your family can go on adventures while making memories. Today, I […]

Family Vacations, Hawaii, Multigenerational Vacations, Trip Itineraries

July 3, 2023

12 Day Spectacular Hawaiian Vacation

12 Day Spectacular Hawaiian Vacation - Kauai Beach with a rainbow at sunset

Do you currently have a travel bucket list filled with destinations you want to visit? Are you ready to start checking those destinations off with your family? Well, why not start with a family vacation in Alaska! You can do a road trip in Alaska. Or you may decide to cruise around Alaska. Honestly, the […]

Alaska, Bucket List Vacations, Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations, North America, United States

June 29, 2023

Alaska Bucket List Destinations

Alaska Bucket List Destinations - Glacier at Kenai Fjords National Park

One of the worst things about flying for a family vacation is the long lines at the airport. Yet, standing in those airport lines is still better than driving for days to your vacation destination. So, is there anything you can do to help your family go through airport lines quickly? And avoid the airport […]

Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations, Travel Tips

June 27, 2023

How to Go Through Airport Lines Quickly

How to Go Through Airport Lines Quickly - Airport Crowd

Las Vegas may be known as the city that never sleeps. However, did you know that it can be a fabulous destination for a family vacation? Yes, Las Vegas is a wonderful place to take the kids! There are so many things to do in Las Vegas. And the day trips you can take will […]

Family Vacations, Multigenerational Vacations, North America, United States

June 22, 2023

Best Things to Do in Las Vegas

Best Things to Do in Las Vegas - Aerial View of Las Vegas Strip at Night

Are you looking to travel internationally with the kids next year? Do you have a desire to show your family the sights in Italy during an amazing vacation? Well, this 9-day tour of Italy itinerary may have everything you need to enjoy a fabulous family vacation together! While this is a fantastic itinerary, you don’t […]

Europe, Family Vacations, Italy, Multigenerational Vacations, Trip Itineraries

June 21, 2023

Enjoy a 9 Day Tour of Italy

Enjoy a 9 Day Tour of Italy - Italian Food

Montreal is a beautiful city in Canada. There are plenty of things to do in Montreal throughout the year. However, the best time to take a family vacation in Montreal is during the summer months. This is when you can explore this magnificent city without worrying about extreme cold and snow. The best part is […]

Canada, Family Vacations, North America

June 20, 2023

Best Things to Do in Montreal

Best Things to Do in Montreal - Montreal Skyline


At Elite Travel Journeys, we custom craft unique vacation itineraries for stressed-out families, couples and individuals who want to reconnect with what is most important. We work directly with our clients to remove the stress and overwhelm that planning a family getaway can create.

No matter if you are looking for just a short weekend escape, or a year-long trip of a lifetime let me take something off your overflowing list of things to do. 


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3 Ways to See It All in Alaska

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3 Ways to See It All in Alaska