As a female, what is the first thought that comes to your mind when I mention traveling alone? Do you automatically go into panic mode and think you couldn’t possibly do that? Or do you begin to think of all the possibilities when it comes to seeing, and exploring, new destinations? Today, I am sharing […]
Integrating Educational Opportunities Traveling with older teenagers and twentysomethings offers a unique opportunity to integrate educational experiences that can enrich their understanding and appreciation of the world. Educational travel can be both inspiring and transformative, providing depth to your vacation that goes beyond leisure. Here’s how you can seamlessly incorporate educational opportunities into your […]
Include Adventure Activities Traveling with older teenagers and twentysomethings is an excellent opportunity to incorporate adventure activities into your itinerary. These activities not only add excitement and challenge to the trip but also help young adults develop confidence and resilience. Here’s how you can make adventure a thrilling part of your family vacation. 1. Identify […]
Budget Management Traveling with older teenagers and twentysomethings is an excellent opportunity to teach budget management, an essential life skill. Handling money wisely on a trip can help young adults learn to make informed financial decisions and appreciate the value of money. Here’s how you can integrate budget management into your family travel plans effectively. […]
Traveling with older teenagers and twentysomethings offers a fantastic opportunity to explore and immerse in local culture and cuisine. It’s not just about seeing new places; it’s about experiencing them. Encouraging your young adults to dive into the local ways of life can enrich their travel experience and broaden their worldviews. Here’s how to […]
In today’s digital age, staying connected is crucial, especially for older teenagers and twentysomethings. Ensuring your travel plans are tech-friendly not only keeps everyone happy but can also enhance your travel experience. Here are essential tips to make your family vacation tech-savvy and appealing to your older children. 1. Confirm Connectivity Before booking your accommodations, […]
Flexible Itineraries When planning a family vacation with older teenagers and twentysomethings, flexibility in your itinerary is crucial. A schedule that balances planned activities with opportunities for spontaneous adventures can make the difference between a good trip and a great one. Here’s how to create a flexible itinerary that caters to the needs […]
Traveling with older teenagers and twentysomethings presents unique challenges and opportunities, especially when it comes to accommodations. The right lodging can make a significant difference in the enjoyment and comfort of your trip. Here’s how to choose accommodations that keep everyone happy and maintain the peace during your family vacation. 1. Consider Space […]
Ensuring Everyone’s Interests Are Met on Family Vacations Family vacations create lasting memories and bond, yet meeting all interests can be challenging. However, with careful planning, it’s possible to cater to everyone’s preferences, ensuring a fulfilling journey. Gather Input: The first step in planning a family vacation that satisfies everyone’s interests is to […]
Engage in Planning Together Traveling as a family can be one of the most rewarding experiences, creating memories that last a lifetime. When it involves older teenagers and twentysomethings, the dynamics change significantly compared to traveling with younger children. One of the best ways to ensure that everyone has a great time is […]
At Elite Travel Journeys, we custom craft unique vacation itineraries for stressed-out families, couples and individuals who want to reconnect with what is most important. We work directly with our clients to remove the stress and overwhelm that planning a family getaway can create.
No matter if you are looking for just a short weekend escape, or a year-long trip of a lifetime let me take something off your overflowing list of things to do.